
The Plus-que-parfait in French: A Guide for English Speakers

The plus-que-parfait in French corresponds to the past perfect tense in English. It describes an action that was completed before another past action. This guide explains its formation, usage, and key points to help English speakers master this tense.

1. What is the Plus-que-parfait?

The plus-que-parfait is used to express:

  • An action that happened before another past event:
    • She had already left when I arrived.Elle était déjà partie quand je suis arrivé(e).
  • Hypothetical or unrealized conditions in the past:
    • If I had known, I would have helped.Si j’avais su, j’aurais aidé.

2. How to form the Plus-que-parfait

The plus-que-parfait is a compound tense, formed with:

  1. The imperfect tense of the auxiliary verb être or avoir.
  2. The past participle of the main verb.


Subject + auxiliary verb (être/avoir in the imperfect) + past participle

a) Imperfect forms of “avoir” and “être”

Avoir (to have)Être (to be)
Tu avaisTu étais
Il/Elle/On avaitIl/Elle/On était
Nous avionsNous étions
Vous aviezVous étiez
Ils/Elles avaientIls/Elles étaient

b) Past participles

  • For regular verbs:
    • -er (parler → parlé)
    • -ir-i (finir → fini)
    • -re-u (vendre → vendu)
  • Irregular verbs:
    • faire → fait, voir → vu, prendre → pris, être → été, avoir → eu

c) Agreement of the past participle

The past participle follows the same rules as in the passé composé:

  1. With “avoir” → Agree with the direct object (COD) if it comes before the verb:
    • Les lettres qu’il avait écrites étaient belles.
      (The letters he had written were beautiful.)
  2. With “être” → Always agree with the subject:
    • Elle était déjà partie.
      (She had already left.)
  3. Reflexive verbs → Follow the same agreement rules as in the passé composé.

3. When to use the Plus-que-parfait

a) To describe an action completed before another past action

The plus-que-parfait shows that an action occurred before a reference point in the past.


  • Quand je suis arrivé, il avait déjà mangé.
    (When I arrived, he had already eaten.)
  • Elle avait fini son travail avant de partir.
    (She had finished her work before leaving.)

b) To express unrealized conditions (hypotheticals)

Used with “si”, the plus-que-parfait creates hypothetical statements about the past.

Si + subject + plus-que-parfait, subject + conditionnel passé.


  • Si j’avais étudié, j’aurais réussi.
    (If I had studied, I would have succeeded.)
  • Si nous avions eu plus de temps, nous serions restés.
    (If we had had more time, we would have stayed.)

c) In narratives to describe past events prior to another past event

The plus-que-parfait adds depth to stories by showing sequences of past actions.


  • Elle se souvenait qu’elle avait déjà vu ce film.
    (She remembered that she had already seen this movie.)
  • Ils m’ont dit qu’ils avaient visité Paris avant la pandémie.
    (They told me they had visited Paris before the pandemic.)

4. Negative form

To form the negative, place ne…pas around the auxiliary verb in the imperfect tense.

Subject + ne + auxiliary (imperfect) + pas + past participle.


  • Je n’avais pas fini mon travail.
    (I hadn’t finished my work.)
  • Elle n’était pas partie quand je suis arrivé.
    (She hadn’t left when I arrived.)

5. Asking questions

a) With inversion

Invert the subject and the auxiliary verb.


  • Avais-tu terminé ton travail ?
    (Had you finished your work?)
  • Était-elle déjà partie ?
    (Had she already left?)

b) With “est-ce que”

Use est-ce que before the subject and the auxiliary.


  • Est-ce que tu avais déjà mangé ?
    (Had you already eaten?)
  • Est-ce qu’ils étaient prêts avant l’heure ?
    (Were they ready before the time?)

6. Difference Between the Passé Composé and the Plus-que-parfait

Passé ComposéPlus-que-parfait
Describes actions completed in the past.Describes actions completed before another past action.
J’ai mangé avant de partir.J’avais mangé avant de partir.
(I ate before leaving.)(I had eaten before leaving.)

7. Practice Exercises

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks

Conjugate the verbs in parentheses in the plus-que-parfait.

  1. Quand je suis arrivé, ils _______ (partir).
  2. Elle _______ (manger) avant notre arrivée.
  3. Nous _______ (finir) le projet avant la date limite.
  4. Vous _______ (prendre) le train avant d’arriver ?
  5. Ils _______ (s’amuser) à la fête avant de rentrer.

Exercise 2: Translate into French

  1. She had already left before we arrived.
  2. If I had studied, I would have passed the exam.
  3. They hadn’t finished their homework.
  4. We had taken the train before you arrived.
  5. Had you (formal) visited this museum before?

8. Key Takeaways

  1. Formation: Imperfect of avoir/être + past participle.
  2. Use cases: Actions completed before another past event, hypothetical situations, or storytelling.
  3. Rules for agreement:
    • With être → Agree with the subject.
    • With avoir → Agree with the COD if it precedes the verb.
  4. Master the structure for negation and questions.

Practicing the past perfect tense (also called plus-que-parfait in French) involves developing your understanding of its formation and usage through structured exercises, real-world scenarios, and consistent repetition. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you practice effectively:

1. Start with the Basics


The past perfect tense uses:

  1. The imperfect tense of the auxiliary verb (avoir or être).
  2. The past participle of the main verb.


  • J’avais mangé (I had eaten) → Imperfect of avoir (avais) + past participle of manger (mangé).
  • Elle était partie (She had left) → Imperfect of être (était) + past participle of partir (partie).

2. Practice Regular Conjugations

a) Conjugate regular verbs in past perfect:

Try these verbs:

  • manger (to eat)J’avais mangé
  • finir (to finish)Nous avions fini
  • parler (to speak)Ils avaient parlé

b) Practice irregular verbs:

Learn common irregular participles:

  • avoir → eu (J’avais eu une idée.)
  • être → été (Il avait été heureux.)
  • faire → fait (Nous avions fait un gâteau.)
  • voir → vu (Elles avaient vu le film.)


Conjugate these verbs in the plus-que-parfait:

  1. aller (to go)
  2. prendre (to take)
  3. lire (to read)
  4. voir (to see)
  5. boire (to drink)

3. Contextual Practice: Use the Past Perfect in Sentences

a) Compare Two Past Events

Use the past perfect to describe an action that happened before another past action:

  • Quand je suis arrivé, ils avaient déjà mangé. (When I arrived, they had already eaten.)

Exercise: Fill in the blanks:

  1. Quand elle est arrivée, je _______ (finir) mes devoirs.
  2. Avant de partir, nous _______ (fermer) les fenêtres.
  3. Ils _______ (partir) avant que nous arrivions.
  4. Nous _______ (voir) ce film avant toi.
  5. Il _______ (ne jamais voyager) avant son mariage.

4. Practice Hypotheticals

The past perfect is commonly used with “if” (si) to express regrets or unrealized conditions.


Si + subject + plus-que-parfait, subject + conditionnel passé.


  • Si j’avais étudié, j’aurais réussi. (If I had studied, I would have succeeded.)
  • Si nous avions eu le temps, nous serions restés plus longtemps. (If we had had the time, we would have stayed longer.)

Exercise: Translate and complete:

  1. If she had studied, she ______ (pass) the exam.
    Si elle avait étudié, elle ______ (réussir).
  2. If we had known, we ______ (not come).
    Si nous avions su, nous ______ (ne pas venir).
  3. If you had listened, you ______ (understand).
    Si tu avais écouté, tu ______ (comprendre).

5. Incorporate Storytelling

The past perfect is essential in storytelling to describe an action that occurred before another action in the story.


  • Elle se souvenait qu’elle avait déjà vu ce tableau.
    (She remembered that she had already seen this painting.)

Exercise: Write a short story using the past perfect:

Begin with: Quand je suis arrivé(e) à la maison… (When I arrived home…)
Describe things that had already happened before you arrived.

6. Focus on Agreement Rules

Review and practice the agreement of the past participle:

  • With être: Agree with the subject:
    • Elle était partie avant moi. (She had left before me.)
  • With avoir: Agree with the COD if it comes before the verb:
    • Les lettres qu’il avait écrites étaient belles.
      (The letters he had written were beautiful.)

Exercise: Correct these sentences:

  1. Elle était parti avant l’heure.
  2. Les livres qu’ils avaient achetés était chers.
  3. Il avait vu les photos que tu avais prises.
  4. Nous avions fermé la porte avant que vous n’arriviez.

7. Listening and Speaking Practice

a) Listen to dialogues:

Find podcasts, audiobooks, or dialogues with past perfect usage. Pause and write down the sentences with the plus-que-parfait.

b) Speak or record yourself:

Practice narrating a story or describing hypothetical situations. For example:

  • Si j’avais étudié le français plus tôt, je l’aurais mieux parlé aujourd’hui.
    (If I had studied French earlier, I would speak it better today.)

8. Play Grammar Games

Online tools, apps, and flashcards can help you practice the plus-que-parfait through interactive quizzes and timed exercises. Platforms like Duolingo, Quizlet, or Conjuguemos are great resources.

9. Practice Translations

Exercise: Translate these sentences into French:

  1. I had already finished my work when the phone rang.
  2. They had left before we arrived.
  3. If you had been there, we would have had a great time.
  4. She hadn’t seen the movie before last night.
  5. Had you already eaten when I called you?

10. Monitor Progress

Review your mistakes and focus on areas needing improvement (e.g., conjugation, agreements, hypothetical structures). Consistent repetition and varied practice will solidify your understanding.

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